Meet Co-Author Dennika Davenport of Step Into Leadership Greatness, Leaders Producing Leaders, Volume 2
Dove Style Magazine had the opportunity to speak with co-author Dennika Davenport of Step Into Leadership Greatness, Leaders Producing Leaders, Volume 2. Although she was not a part of the first volume, an opportunity presented itself by way of one of the co-authors of that edition, and she immediately became extremely intrigued. What a true testament to the leadership of the book’s Visionary, Dr. Jennifer Jones Bryant.
When asked what made her want to be a part of this book project? She shared that there were two factors that drew her in – the subject of leadership, as well as the remaining co-authors being African American women. That was all she needed to hear.
Dennika has been working in the Human Resources arena for more than 30 years and is also a certified Life Coach. She is the CEO of Helping Every Woman Reinvent and Reach Her Summit (HERRS), a life coaching business designed to help women who have reached the midway point in their life and need strategies to help them reinvent themselves. Needless to say, leadership is not a foreign concept to her. According to Dennika, the term leadership can be summed up in one word – SERVICE. One of her strengths is recognizing the leadership qualities in others and helping to maximize them so they will eventually become the best in their respective fields. She shared how the book’s subtitle, Leaders Producing Leaders, sets it apart from others by addressing the importance of service. She also doesn’t subscribe to the belief that one has to have a particular title to become a leader. “Everyone can be a leader,” she said.
Continuing she said, “As leaders, we are required to give back to one another and are responsible for helping others to reach their leadership potential and be a blessing to someone else.” All of us can expand our horizons by paying it forward to others. We must take advantage of every opportunity to pour into the lives of others and have them to do the same. As a result, employers are strengthened.
Because Dennika is leading the way in many aspects of her life, this book project was right up her alley. She is the mother of a 29-year-old son and grandmother to a 3-year-old granddaughter who loves to travel. She is also working on her second master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, which is an area she’s extremely passionate about. Her goal is to eventually open a counseling practice. This leader wants to de-stigmatize mental illness by keeping the topic relevant and the conversation open for years to come. Her end game is to help others become mentally and emotionally healthy.
Dennika considers herself as somewhat of an overachiever who will always possess a leadership spirit and a desire to help others succeed. She will soon add first-time author to her resume after this book collaboration is published. It has ignited something within her, so this may not be the last time you see her name as an author.
For more information on Dennika Davenport, please visit her website, or connect with her via social media at and You may also send an email to