New Name, Same Game

A Guide to Entertaining Entertainment in a COVID-19 Catastrophe by: Shades Just Sayin’ For those of us following the shelter-in-place rule for slowing the spread of the pandemic, being on lock down can lead to some unfortunate and regrettable viewing choices. That’s time you’re never getting back! I feel your pain, so let me help…

Talking Your Way to Success:

Talking Your Way to Success: The Power of Intentional Networking By Russell W. Scott The story of Les Brown’s big break to success as a motivational speaker, as he tells it, started on an airplane. This of course was before the books, videos, corporate clients, and the big money. This was when all of those…

Beyond Yesterday’s Workplace

Beyond Yesterday’s Workplace: Redefining Where Work Gets Done By Russell W. Scott The Old Admiralty Office (now the Ripley Building) built in 1726, is referenced as the first purpose-built office building in Great Britain, but gathering to conduct business has its roots as far back as Ancient Egyptian open-air markets. As humans seeking to trade…